Math 211: Modern Algebra II
(Graduate algebra, 2nd semester)
Spring 2025
Instructor: |
Sam Hopkins (call me "Sam") Office: Annex III (Graduate School) - #220 E-mail: |
Classes: |
Mon-Wed, 11:10am-12:30pm Annex III (Graduate School) - #224 |
Office hours: |
Tue 12-1pm (or by appointment) Annex III (Graduate School) - #220 |
Course content: |
This is a continuation of the first semester of graduate modern algebra. We will start by studying the theory of fields and their extensions, i.e., “Galois theory.” Then we may cover other topics. |
Prerequisites: |
Math 210 (Modern Algebra I) Click here for the course webpage for the 1st semester. |
Main text: |
T.W. Hungerford, Algebra. Contact me if you need help accessing the book. |
Other nice sources: |
D.S. Dummit and R.M. Foote, Abstract Algebra. M. Macauley, Visual Algebra. |
Syllabus: |
Click here for the class syllabus. |
Class notes: |
Batch 1; [More to be posted] (Change "_bw.pdf" to "_gray.pdf" for grayscale versions.) |
Grading: |
The grading for the course is based on Homeworks, a Midterm Exam, and the Final Project. The grading scheme is:
Grades will be posted to the Canvas site. I may consider other factors, like class participation, when determining final letter grades, especially in borderline cases. |
HWs / exams: |
Due 1/29: Homework #1 [More to be posted] |