Math 210: Modern Algebra I

(Graduate algebra, 1st semester)

Fall 2024


Sam Hopkins (call me "Sam")
Office: Annex III (Graduate School) - #220


Mon-Wed, 11:10am-12:30pm
Annex III (Graduate School) - #224

Office hours:

Tue 12-1pm (or by appointment)
Annex III (Graduate School) - #220

Course content:

This is an introduction to the basic structures in modern algebra. We will focus on groups, rings, and modules, and also may discuss categories. We will try to cover most of the introduction and Chapters 1 - 4 of Hungerford.


Calculus, linear algebra, basic methods of proof. Undergraduate algebra is helpful but is not required.

Main text:

T.W. Hungerford, Algebra.
Contact me if you need help accessing the book.

Other nice sources:

D.S. Dummit and R.M. Foote, Abstract Algebra.
M. Macauley, Visual Algebra.


Click here for the class syllabus.

Class notes:

Batch 1; Batch 2; [More to be posted]
(Change "_bw.pdf" to "_gray.pdf" for grayscale versions.)


The grading for the course is based on Homeworks, Midterm Exams, and the Final Exam. The grading scheme is:
  • Homeworks = 40% of grade
  • Each of 2 midterms = 20% of grade
  • Final exam = 20% of grade
There will be 6 homework assignments. There will be two in-class midterms in the semester. The final will happen after the end of classes, during finals week. Collaboration is allowed on the homeworks, not on the exams.
Grades will be posted to the Canvas site. I may consider other factors, like class participation, when determining final letter grades, especially in borderline cases.

HWs / exams:

Due 8/28: Homework #1
Due 9/11: Homework #2
Due 9/25: Homework #3
10/2: Midterm #1
[More to be posted]