Math 156: Calculus I

Fall 2024


Sam Hopkins (call me "Sam")
Office: Annex III (Graduate School) - #220


Mon-Tue-Wed-Fri, 2:10-3:00pm
Douglass Hall - #215

Office hours:

Tue 1-2pm (or by appointment)
Annex III (Graduate School) - #220

Course content:

We will study differentiation of algebraic and transcendental functions, applications of the derivative, differentials, indefinite integrals, and definite integrals. The goal here is developing the student's geometric insight into the concepts of differentiation and integration, and applying these concepts to problem solving and "real world applications."


Math 007 (Precalculus) or outstanding score on Mathematics Placement Examination


Calculus, Early Transcendentals, 9th Edition, by J. Stewart et al.
Contact me if you need help accessing the textbook.


The grading for the course will be based on Quizzes, Midterm Exams, and the Final Exam. The grading scheme is:
  • Quizzes = 35% of grade
  • Each of 3 midterms = 15% of grade
  • Final exam = 20% of grade
In-class quizzes will happen every Tuesday, except for weeks when midterms take place. There will be 11 quizzes and your lowest 2 scores will be dropped (so 9 of 11 count). Other problems for practice may be assigned but not graded. There will be three in-class midterms in the semester. They will take place on Tuesdays and be announced 1-2 weeks in advance. The final will happen after the end of classes, during finals week.
Studying with your fellow students is a good idea, but collaboration on graded assignments is not permitted. The use of calculators, outside notes, or other tools from the Internet, is not permitted. Grades will be posted to the Canvas site. I may consider other factors, like class participation, when determining final letter grades, especially in borderline cases.


Click here for a pdf version of the syllabus (which includes a more detailed course outline and information about the Code of Conduct, Grievance Procedure, Disability Accommodations, etc.)

Class notes:

The following notes are from the Fall 2023 iteration of the class, which we are closely following:
Batch 1; Batch 2; Batch 3; Batch 4; [More to be posted]
(Change "_bw.pdf" to "_gray.pdf" for grayscale versions.)

Quizzes / exams:

8/20: Quiz #0 (Diagnostic)
8/27: Quiz #1
9/4: Quiz #2
9/10: Quiz #3
9/17: Quiz #4
9/24: Midterm #1; Study Guide
10/1: Quiz #5
10/8: Quiz #6
10/15: Quiz #7
10/22: Quiz #8
10/29: Quiz #9
11/4: Midterm #2
[More to be posted]

Practice problems:

Week 1 (8/19-23): 1.1 #3, 4, 17; 1.2 #3, 4, 11
Week 2 (8/26-30): 1.3 #7, 11, 15, 35; 1.4: #1, 3
Week 3 (9/3-6): 1.5: #39, 40; 2.2: #4, 5, 7
Week 4 (9/9-13): 2.3: #15, 17, 19, 53
Week 5 (9/16-20): 2.5: #35, 37; 2.6: #15, 17, 27
Week 6 (9/23-27): 3.1: #3, 5, 7, 17, 19, 21
Week 7 (9/30-10/4): 3.3: #1, 5; 3.2: #3, 5; 3.4: #1, 3
Week 8 (10/7-11): 3.6: #3, 5, 7; 3.5: #5, 7, 9
Week 9 (10/14-18): 3.9: #3, 6; 4.1: #3, 7, 51
Week 10 (10/21-25): 4.1: #53, 4.2: #3, 4.3: #9, 17
[More to be posted]

Other resources:

Active Caclulus is a free, online textbook that covers similar material (in Chapters 1 - 4) to what we will cover in class.
Old final exams can be found on the math department website here.
Course material for Calculus I from previous years can be found on Prof. Sitaraman's website.